This guide explains how to download and use our pre-built node snapshot to stand up a mainnet Blast node as quickly as possible. The snapshot, available at<version.tgz> is updated weekly to minimize required sync times.

Testnet snapshots are not available at this time.

Usage Instructions


Navigate to Geth Data Directory

First, navigate to your geth data directory where the blockchain data is stored:

cd <geth data directory>

Download the Snapshot

You can download the latest snapshot using wget:

wget -O geth.tgz$(curl 

Alternatively, for faster download speeds, especially for large files like this snapshot (1.5 TB+), consider using aria2c:

aria2c --file-allocation=none -c -x 10 -s 10 -o geth.tgz$(curl 

About aria2c

aria2c is a lightweight command-line download utility that can significantly speed up large file downloads by splitting the file into multiple segments and downloading them concurrently.

Here’s what the options example above do:

  • --file-allocation=none: Disables file pre-allocation, allowing the download to start immediately.
  • -c: Resumes an incomplete download.
  • -x 10: Sets the maximum number of connections per server to 10.
  • -s 10: Splits the file into 10 segments, downloading them simultaneously.
  • -o geth.tgz: Renames the output file which may otherwise vary based on the latest version.

Extract the Snapshot

Once the download is complete, unarchive the snapshot to your geth data directory:

tar -xvzf geth.tgz

This command extracts the files to the appropriate directory for your node to use.


Finally, (assuming you’re using the Docker Compose setup), start your node containers:

cd ..
docker compose up -d

Your node should now be up and running using the latest blockchain snapshot.

Getting Help

If you run into any issues following the instructions above, please don’t hesitate to reach out on our Developer Discord for help.